XI Class Admission 2023-2024

XI Class Admission System (Session 2023-2024)
XI Class Admission System is the process of applying for admission to a college in Bangladesh after completing the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination. The admission process is conducted online through the XI Class Admission System website.
The online application process for admission to the eleventh grade (Class-XI) in the upcoming academic year began on August 10, 2023. The first phase of the application will be open until August 20, 2023, and the final third phase will be open until September 21, 2023. College admissions are scheduled to begin on September 26, 2023.
Check out the XI Class Admission Result 2023.
শিক্ষাবর্ষ ২০২৩-২৪ এর একাদশ শ্রেণীতে অনলাইনের মাধ্যমে ভর্তির আবেদন, ফলাফল প্রকাশ ও ভর্তির সময়সূচি।
Application Content | Date |
1st Phase Application | 10 August to 20 August |
1st Merit Result | September 5, 2023 |
1st Phase Selection Confirmation | 7 September to 10 September |
2nd Phase Application | 12 September to 14 September |
2nd Merit Result | September 16, 2023 |
1st Migration Result | September 16, 2023 |
2nd Phase Selection Confirmation | 17 September to 18 September |
3rd Phase Application | 20 September to 21 September |
3rd Merit Result | September 23, 2023 |
2nd Migration Result | September 23, 2023 |
3rd Phase Selection Confirmation | 24 September to 25 September |
College Admission | 26 September to 5 October |
Class Start | October 8, 2023 |
- Application Submission Official Website: xiclassadmission.gov.bd
- Online Application Fee: 150 Taka
- SMS application Fee: 120 Taka (Per College)
How to Submit Application for HSC Admission 2023-2024 (Apply Online)
To apply for HSC admission online, you must first pay the application fee using SMS or mobile banking.
Pay the application fee by Mobile Banking
Banking Method | Application Fee (150 Tk + Vat Charge) |
Bkash | 153 Taka |
Nagad | 152.5 Taka |
Rocket | 150 Taka |
Sonali Esheba | 150 Taka |
Upay | 150 Taka |
OkWalet | 150 Taka |
tap | 152.5 Taka |
Pay the application fee by SMS
The application fee for HSC admission online is BDT 150 Tk. You can pay the fee through a Teletalk Prepaid SIM. You can do this by sending an SMS message to 16222. The message should be in the following format:
CAD Web Board Roll Year
For example, if your board is Dhaka, your roll number is 123456, and you are applying for the year 2023, your message would be:
CAD Web Dhaka 123456 2023
Once you have sent the first SMS message, you will receive a PIN number. You will need to send a second SMS message to confirm your payment. The message should be in the following format:
CAD Yes PIN ContactNumber
For example, if your PIN number is 654321 and your contact number is 01700000000, your message would be:
CAD Yes 654321 01700000000
After successfully sending the message, your Teletalk number will be deducted from the 150 Taka application fee and you will receive an SMS confirmation with a Transaction number on the return SMS.
Xi Class Admission Online Application Process
After paying the admission fee, you can apply for the application for admission. Here are the steps on how to submit an application online for HSC admission 2023-2024:
- Visit the official website of HSC admission. The website address is www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd.
- Click on the “Apply Now” button.
- Enter your SSC roll number, board name, passing year, and registration number.
- Click on the “Next” button.
- Fill out the application form. You will need to provide your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, address, and contact details. You will also need to choose your preferred 5 to 10 colleges.
- After selecting your colleges, click on the “Preview Application” button to submit your application.
- Now carefully review your provided information such as College Name, Shift, Version, Group, SQ, EQ and Priority, then finally click on the “Submit Application” button to submit your application.
- Download your application form. You will need to print out your application form for future reference.
College list (board-wise)
Before applying to a college, you need to know the college’s EIIN number, Shift, Version, minimum GPA, available seats, and more. Here below, we have listed colleges board-wise to get college details.
Board | PDF File |
Barishal Board | Open |
Chattogram Board | Open |
Comilla Board | Open |
Dhaka Board | Open |
Dinajpur Board | Open |
Jessore Board | Open |
Mymensingh Board | Open |
Rajshahi Board | Open |
Sylhet Board | Open |
Madrasah Board | Open |
XI Class Admission Form: Apply by SMS
Here are the steps on how to apply for the XI Class Admission Form by SMS:
Go to your mobile phone’s SMS app and send the message to 16222. Type the following message:
CAD <Space> College EIIN <Space> First 3 Letters of your Board <Space> First 2 Letters of Group <Space> SSC Roll Number <Space> Passing Year <Space> SSC Registration Number <Space> 1st Letter of Shift <Space> 1st Letter of Version <Space> Quota Code (if Applicable)
For example, if you are applying to a college with EIIN 123456, you want to join the Science group, you passed your SSC exam from the Dhaka Board in 2023, your SSC roll number is 121212 and registration 34343434, and you want to apply for the morning shift, you would send the following SMS:
CAD 123456 S DHA 121212 2023 34343434 D B
First 2 Letters of Group
- Science: S
- Business Studies: B
- Humanities: H
The first three letters of your Board
- Barisal -BAR
- Chattogram -CHA
- Cumilla -CUM
- Dhaka (DHA)
- Dinjapur -DIN
- Jashore -JAS
- Mymensingh -MYM
- Sylhet -SYL
- Rajshahi -RAJ
- Madrasah -MAD
1st Letter of Shift
- Morning: M
- Day-D
- Evening: E
- If there is no shift: N
1st Letter of Version
- Bangla Version: B
- English Version: E
Quota code
- FF – Freedom Fighter
- D – Disable
- T – Tribal
After successfully sending the message, you will receive a reply message with a PIN number. Type the following message to confirm your payment:
CAD Yes PIN Your ContactNumber
For example, if your contact number is 01700000000 and your confirm PIN number is 123456, you would type the following message:
CAD Yes 123456 01700000000
Send the message to 16222.
Note: The SMS application fee is BDT 120/- per college application. This fee will be deducted from your Teletalk SIM balance.
XI Class Admission 2023-2024
The official website for Class XI Admission is xiclassadmission.gov.bd. Information about HSC Admission 2024 can be found here. The admission process for all government and private colleges in Bangladesh is conducted through the XI Class Admission System. Admission activities in Madrasas under the Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board will also be achieved through this process centrally.
XI Class Admission System 2023-2024
The XI Class Admission 2023–2024 will be held in stages for all government and private colleges. The application process will be divided into three sections. A merit list will be released at the end of each step of the application process. Students who make the merit list must confirm their acceptance within the time frame specified. Three unique merit lists will be released, one for each stage of the application process. Two announcements about migration results will follow. The final merit list will be revealed after that. After all preceding processes have been completed, the admission process for Class XI will begin on the basis of this final merit list. Students must complete their admission to the specified college within the time frame specified.
XI Class Admission 2024
The Authority will complete the HSC Admission 2023–2024 activities according to the following time frame. However, the Authority reserves the right to change or reschedule any of the following events: This year’s schedule is based on the previous year’s schedule.
Title | Date |
1st Phase Application | 10 August 2023 to 20 August 2023 |
1st Phase Result | September 5, 2023 |
1st Phase Selection Confirmation | 7 September to 10 September 2023 |
2nd Phase Online Application | 12 September to 14 September 2023 |
1st Migration Result | September 16, 2023 |
2nd Phase Result | 16 September 2023 |
2nd Phase Selection Confirmation | 17 and 18 September 2023 |
3rd Phase Online Application | 20 September to 21 September 2023 |
2nd Migration Result | September 23, 2023 |
3rd Phase Result | September 23, 2023 |
3rd Phase Selection Confirmation | 24 and 25 September 2023 |
Admission | 26 September to 5 October 2023 |
Class Start | October 8, 2023 |
XI Class Admission (2023-2024) Notice (HSC Admission Nitimala 2023)
একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি ও নীতিমালা ২০২৩-২০২৪

Frequently Ask Questions
What are the eligibility requirements for XI Class Admission?
To be eligible for XI Class Admission, you must have passed the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination in 2021, 2022, or 2023.
What is the application fee for XI Class Admission?
The application fee for XI Class Admission is 150 Taka (For Online 10 colleges) and 120 Taka (For SMS 1 college).
How do I pay the application fee?
You can pay the application fee through Teletalk mobile SMS or through the XI Class Admission website.
When is the application deadline for XI Class Admission?
The application deadline for XI Class Admission is August 20, 2023 (1st Phase).
How Do I fill out the Application Form?
By introducing the Xi Class Admission System, students don’t have to go to the concerned college for the collection of admission forms and submissions. Students can apply to their desired college and fill out the application form online and via SMS. A student can apply through both SMS and the online system. They can also apply only one method. Get the details of the online application form by clicking here HSC Online Admission Form and HSC Admission Form by SMS.
How Many Colleges You Can Apply to?
Most students ask how many colleges they can apply to. There are rules that allow a student to apply to more than one college online and via SMS. So, each student can choose up to ten (10) colleges by online method. But it is mandatory that every student give a minimum of five college choices when filling out the online application form. Also, students can apply to more than one college through SMS. But you are not allowed to apply to more than 10 colleges for HSC admission in 2023.
Xi Class Admission Result 2023
Xi Class Admission Result will be Publish Based SSC Result. So, to get an admission seat at the concerned college, you have to wait until the HSC Admission Result is published. After the first phase of the application, the authority will announce the HSC Admission Result on August 29, 2023.
Students Selection Method:
In HSC 2023 admission, 100 percent of seats will be filled by merit positions, which will be made in Divisional and District Sadar Colleges and equivalent institutions.
Board Help Line | |||
General Board | Madrasa Board | Technical Board | |
01715714236 [Barisal] 01711283044 [Barisal] 01718852310 [Barisal] 01992294676 [Chittagong] 01999345451 [Chittagong] 01912500897 [Chittagong] 01755699160 [Comilla] 01755697058 [Comilla] 01553344444 [Dhaka] 01912363620 [Dhaka] 01926266904 [Dhaka] 01912526896 [Dhaka] | 01716314729 [Dinajpur] 01722608157[Dinajpur] 01717905474 [Dinajpur] 01716787787[Jessore] 01914776290 [Jessore] 01710399266 [Jessore] 01670226000 [Rajshahi] 01711472263 [Rajshahi] 01552361920 [Rajshahi] 01733377800 [Sylhet] 01733377900 [Sylhet] 01733377755 [Sylhet] 01733377770 [Sylhet] 01733377771 [Sylhet] 01733377772 [Sylhet] | 01757291281 01757291282 01757291283 | 01912528253 |
HSC Admissions Circular 2023
You might get a clear concept from the above picture of the Xi Admission Guideline. We hope we have provided A to Z information about Xi Class 2023 Admission. We need to discuss the whole admissions system and process. Also, We Provide Guidelines and Present Requirements that Help The Students Understand The HSC Admission and Selection Process. We hope that we don’t leave any options. If you need more or additional information. Just leave a comment in the comment box below. Thank you for being with us. Best of luck with your HSC Admission in 2023.
Final Words
I hope you have gotten a guide on how to apply for your HSC admission in 2023-2024 and can successfully submit your application. You can find more information about XI Class Admission on the XI Class Admission website (www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd).